My Mother and Grandmothers taught me many
of the needle arts when I was very young. Almost 20 years ago, my sisters
Maureen and Colleen, who had been quilting for years, encouraged me to make a
couple of small traditional style quilts. Quilting really didn't click with me
at the time until my Mom bought me a watercolor quilt book and a fabric kit
for Christmas one year. The quilt artist in me came alive and I found quilting
to be creative and satisfying. I would not be where I am today without the wonderful
encouragement of my sisters and my Mom and Dad.
KwiltArt has been in business since 1999. I design and write patterns, teach,
lecture and vend at quilt shows. I specialize in designing dynamic quilt patterns that create depth, dimension, movement and optical illusions using strip and speed piecing techniques for easy construction.
I left the quilt world temporarily when I
bought a new Corvette, started racing, and won a few awards, but now I'm back
to quilting full time. I have been juried many times into the larger national
shows, have done a half hour segment on Kaye Wood's PBS television show
"Kaye's Quilting Friends", was
advertised as one of three "celebrity teachers" at the American Sewing
Expo in Novi, MI in Sept. 2015, and am also an AQS instructor and designer for Anthology Fabrics.
With a new quilt design, I never have a full vision of what it will look like
when finished. I make pieces and blocks and play with them on my design wall
until there is a good layout. Photos of each layout help me remember what has
been done previously. I like designs with depth, dimension and movement. I then
figure out the construction logistics, which is sometimes the toughest part
trying to convey the exact steps for creation while keeping it as easy as
I am enjoying the opportunity to share my artwork and ideas in hopes of
inspiring others to explore and open up to their own creative potential.